Child Protection Policy Statement

St David’s Uniting Church is committed to ensuring that children and young people of the church are able to explore their faith in a positive, safe and affirming environment.
A child is any person under the age of 18 years.
St. David’s Uniting Church recognizes that in providing programs for children, we undertake a duty of care to those who access the programs. In line with this duty of care, and the Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998 [NSW] and other relevant legislation, the church aims to follow this policy and others to ensure the continued safety and well being of children in their care.


  1. Ensure that children are not subjected to abuse or neglect while partaking in programs of the church
  2. Ensure that children are empowered to explore their faith in a safe and supportive environment
  3. Ensure that leaders and volunteers understand their responsibilities in relation to child protection in the church

Strategies and practices

St David’s Uniting Church has put in place strategies and embedded practices into the culture of the church community to ensure the continued safety of the children in the community:

Code of conduct

Leaders and Volunteers in a position of authority will adhere to the Leaders Code Of Conduct and ensure their behavior is in line with the ‘Safe Leaders’ section of our Safe Church Policy.

Participation, Inclusivity and Empowerment

Leaders and volunteers working with children aim to empower them in understanding their faith and participating as fully as is appropriate in the life and witness of the church. This may mean, but is not limited to:

  1. Using inclusive language
  2. Speaking positively with children
  3. Encouraging children’s questions and thoughts and including children in all activities without discrimination on the basis of ability, language, culture, race, sexuality or gender.

Child Protection Awareness Programs

Coordinators and ongoing leaders of children’s programs will attend safe church programs and refreshers where applicable.

Working With Children Checks

All volunteers of children’s ministry programs will undergo a Working with Children Check (WWCC) by the New South Wales Guardian of Children and Young People regardless of their own children’s participation in a program. This ensures a high level of transparency and supports best practice of the Uniting Church.

Grievances and Pastoral Support

All grievances will be referred to the Minister or the Safe Church Coordinator and will be investigated under the complaints handling procedure, and as necessary referred to the Presbytery and relevant authorities under section five [5] of the Uniting Church in Australia Regulations. Pastoral support shall be provided to all those involved and those who request it.