Leaders' code of conduct
This Leaders Code of Conduct outlines ministry appropriate boundaries. It applies to all leaders, both volunteers and paid.
As leaders of this Church, we acknowledge that everyone who attends our Church needs to be confident that they will be cared for, nurtured and encouraged as they grow and at the same time, protected from spiritual, physical and emotional harm, therefore we commit to the following ministry standards.
We minister out of a relationship with God by:
- Joining in regularly in the life and ministry of the Church.
Studying the scriptures.
- Praying regularly.
- Give of our time, talents and finances to the work of the Church.
As Christian Leaders we will:
- Undertake a “working with children” check if our ministry involves children under the age of 18 years.
- Treat others with respect.
- Uphold confidentiality.
- Be a team player.
- Use words that build up, do not ridicule or embarrass people.
- Treat everyone equally.
- Communicate with integrity.
- Acknowledge when we are out of our depth or do not possess the required skills in difficult pastoral situations.
- Act with financial integrity.
- Disclose to the Minister or elder if we have been investigated for any criminal offence or have knowledge of serious criminal activity.
We will not:
- Ridicule or embarrass people.
- Make false, misleading, deceptive or defamatory statements.
- Engage in bullying, harassment, or emotional, physical or sexual abuse.
- Seek personal advantage or financial gain (other than in wages) from our position.