Safe Church Policy

All people have the right to be spiritually, emotionally and physically safe, respected and have their views and opinions valued at all times.

God calls us to love one another and to minister to vulnerable people.

God identified vulnerable people who were to be protected and given special care and treatment in society because of their powerlessness (Exodus 22: 21-22, Deuteronomy 10: 17-19, Jeremiah 22: 2-4, James 1: 27).

This policy has been developed to help us live out our Biblical mandate and our responsibilities under Australian legislation.


  1. To ensure that all reasonable and practicable steps are taken to avoid risks of harm to members of the Church and wider community arising from their involvement in any ministry.
  2. Minimise the risk of abuse, ministry misconduct and the misuse of positional power.
  3. To ensure that all cases of suspected abuse and ministry misconduct are handled thoroughly.
  4. To ensure that all leaders and programs are safe.
  5. To ensure that all people are respected and valued.
  6. To comply with relevant legislation such as the Work Health and Safety Act and the Child Protection Act.

Safe Leaders

Leaders, especially those relating to children, young people and vulnerable adults must be appropriately authorised (by the Minister or Church Council or Council of Elders) and suitably qualified and trained.

Leaders of any activity or group involving children (persons under the age of 18 years) must have completed the “Working with Children Check”.

Leaders will be supported in their role by the Minister, Church Council and/or elders.

Leaders will report any complaint, disclosure or suspicions of child or elder abuse or neglect to the Minister or Congregation Chair or a Church elder.

If a grievance or complaint is made against a leader, support will be provided to the complainant and leader, and the complaint will be referred to the appropriate authority for resolution.

Safe Programs

The Church requires those in ministry to be nurturing and affirming in their ministry interactions with those they minister to and with.

The Church encourages all people to provide input into the programs and activities they participate in by valuing and fostering their ideas and encouraging participation in the life of the Church.

Safe Physical Environments

The Church will ensure that the following areas are incorporated into establishing and maintaining a safe physical environment: fire safety, building safety, first aid, food safety practices, risk assessment for activities and physical environment, critical incident and emergency protocols and ministry program review.